
Pack 731 Calendar

Above is the calendar for Pack 731’s events.  If you are the parent/guardian of a Pack 731 Scout, please login to our ScoutBook website for more details on the calendar events.

You can also add these calendars to your google, outlook, or apple calendar by adding the links below:

Pack 731:

Lion Den(s) :

Tiger Den(s):

Wolf Den(s):

Bear Den(s):

Below are a list of our typical events that occur throughout the year in our Pack.


We typically have two to three Family Camping trips during the Scout Year:
  • Fall Camping in October
  • Winter Camping in March
  • Spring Camping in April

The Scouts can expect to sing songs, perform skits, hike as well as other fun stations of learning.  Dens will have most of the day to themselves for Den Leaders to teach skills, work on advancement requirements and have fun.  The Pack will come together for a group dinner and campfire, and the Scouts participate in retiring American Flags.


VolunteerWe pick a Saturday morning in late fall to clean up the billion or so leaves on the grounds of our pack meeting location, Crofton Elementary School.

In Spring, our Pack will help our sponsoring organization, Prince of Peace Church with mulch on the Church grounds.

Cub Scouts rely on dedicated volunteers to promote its mission of preparing young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Today, nearly 1.2 million adults provide leadership and mentoring to Cub Scouts, Scouts, and Venturers.

Through the dedication of these many volunteers, the Boy Scouts of America remains the foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training in America.  To these volunteers we would like to say thank you for your dedication to Scouting.  To the adults who are not currently Scout volunteers, we invite you to become a volunteer and share in the positive experiences of the Scouting programs.


pinewood_derbyPinewood Derby

One of the most popular activities in scouting is the Pinewood Derby. Early in the winter, the pack gives out kits to each scout to build their own small wooden model of a derby car. Each March, the scouts then race the cars in competition at the school. Our Pack  will weigh and turn in cars a few days prior to race day, where car specifications are check, and judging for car decorating occurs.

On race day, the Dens will race in similar ranking groups (or combined, based on number of participants). The cars are sent down the raceway with the help of gravity and the time is recorded and correlated to a real speed, which is fun for the scouts to see. Awards are given to scouts for placing in the race as well as for car decorating.

Blue and Gold BanquetBlueandgold

During Scouting Anniversary Week in February we celebrate with a “birthday party” called the Blue and Gold Banquet. The blue and gold banquet is one of the highlights of the year, bringing families together for an evening of fun. The purpose of the blue and gold banquet is to celebrate the pack’s anniversary, thank pack leaders and other adults who have helped the pack, and inspire the leaders, Scouts, and parents. The banquet is similar to a regular pack meeting.  During this event we have a cake- off, scouts are encouraged to bake a cake with their non-baking parent and bring it in to share. There were competitions for best taste, best presentation and several others. The theme of the Blue and Gold and cakes always coincides with that year’s Camp Tomahawk’s theme.

Camp Riverhawk

TomahawkHeld for a full week each summer, scouts of all ages participate in this Scout style day camp. The dens rotate through each station held at camp to include knot tying, archery (all scouts learn how to safely and properly shoot a long bow), B-B guns (all scouts learn gun safety, proper handling, and shooting of approved B-B guns) and learning about other scout pastimes. Fishing, games, and a special visit from the fire department are other highlights during the week.

Raingutter Regatta

regattaIn July the Pack hosts the mother of all boat races called the “Raingutter Regatta.”  The event is held at the one of the local Crofton parks.  The scouts get a chance to build their own 6″ sail boats, and go head to head blowing them down 10′ rain gutters to decide the victor.  Lots of fun, lots of hot air, and a little bit of splashing! The Pack comes together for games, food, and fellowship during the event.  We take this time to welcome in all new scouts and get to know the parents and introduce them to the cub scout program.

Webelos WoodsWebelos woods

Webelos Woods is designed to give first and second year Webelos Scouts and their parents a preview of the Boy Scouting experience. The program, held each October, emphasizes Scouting values, procedures, methods and skills. It is an introduction to Scouts being a “scout led” program as opposed to the “adult led” program used in Cub Scouts. Also, there is the thrill of camping in the outdoors in a tent at a BSA Scout style camp, which will encourage a desire to continue Scouting. While there, the scouts get to do archery, knot tying, pioneering and other fun stations of learning. B-B shooting, Archery, Saturday Night Campfire, Model Rockets, Canoeing, Pack Competitions and much more.